The battle of the names has began! I kind of thought that Scott and I would decide on names rather quickly, but what a battle! And it's funny because we always think about boy names...lol. If we have a girl maybe then it won't be such a fight...NOT!
When we went to the doctor two weeks ago I had another ultrasound. (13 weeks) I can't believe how quickly a fetus develops! My little peanut looks like a person now!
When we went to the doctor two weeks ago I had another ultrasound. (13 weeks) I can't believe how quickly a fetus develops! My little peanut looks like a person now!
I'm almost done with my 15th week now...that means the baby is about 4 1/2 inches from crown to bum and weighs 3.5 ounces. The other day I googled images of a 15 week fetus and it's so hard to believe that this tiny being is living and growing inside of ME! Other first time moms must get these incredible feelings too...it's just so hard to explain! This baby is a miracle!
Love you all!