Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Attitude Check

So I had a negative attitude kind of day. And I didn't hide the negative attitude. Not professional at all, not fair to the kiddos and my coworkers, not fair to my family... So I thought it might be good for me to make a list of things positive things that happened today. Here we go..

My beautiful daughter went to the dentist for her first cleaning today. She was nervous, but did amazing! I am so proud of her!
My mom stopped by on her way to the library to grab my overdue books... 15 days overdue.. Thanks Momma!
Audrey ate her ENTIRE dinner!
Scott had the decal I bought him for Christmas put on the back window of his truck today.. which means he likes it! :)
The laundry is all caught up! Woohoo!
My husband is going to Coldstone Creamery as we speak to get me the sundae of my dreams. Love that man!
And Scott is going to do the grocery shopping while I am at work tomorrow so we don't have to go after dinner!
Tomorrow is already Wednesday!
God blessed me with family who loves me even when I am cranky :)


Monday, January 2, 2012


Blogging holds me accountable. I always said I don't make new year's resolutions, but who really doesn't start the year off with a clean slate and goals to better themselves? So whether I planned to or not, I did make a few goals for the new year.

For those that don't know, the center I work for now is a Christian learning center. Working for Appletree has brought God back into my life. I am ashamed to admit that for many years I have felt disconnected from my faith but now I am making God a priority and teaching my daughter everything I know while learning more myself. Which brings me to one of my new year's resolutions: complain less, thank more.

Another resolution? BLOG MORE OFTEN! Here's the daily photo blog I have started: http://akkerman366.blogspot.com/
My hope for the daily photo blog is that it will help me slow down and appreciate everything I am blessed with in my life. Too often do I get caught up in the business of housework, school and my job and I forget to stop and appreciate the beauty of my family and everything God has blessed me with.


Sunday, January 1, 2012

What can I say?

It's been over two years since I blogged last... Life has been busy and I have not made my blog a priority, that's for sure! So much has happened in the last two years...

Audrey has grown into a beautiful, SMART and sassy little girl. She amazes me every single day! She has such a sense of humor for a kiddo her age.. never a dull moment at our house! I hope she never loses her spunk or spirit.. she will do big things in her life, I am sure! Hopefully I can keep up on this blogging thing from now on so I can document some of her daily hilarity.

I also changed jobs this last summer. Leaving the center I worked at for over 7 years (my whole adult life!!) was so scary. Ultimately, this was the best choice for me. Being so incredibly unhappy at my job affected my family and life at home and now things couldn't be better! I love working at Appletree. I love my coworkers (most of them, lol), the room/age I am working with and my new boss is amazing! I am still learning the ropes there, but I do have to say I am rockin' it out as a lead teacher!

Another huge change this year: I went back to school!! I decided that paying on student loans for a degree I never finished was just plain silly. I went back this summer and got dean's list for both semesters since I have been back.. GO ME! Because I have only been taking 6 credits a semester I will finish in a little more than a year, depending on what classes are offered over the summer. Working full-time and going to school makes things stressful but I just keep reminding myself that I only have one more year!

So here's to the big changes of last year and a great new year! Hopefully I can do better at keeping this thing updated!
