Maya, Emery, Audrey, Dylan
(My best friend Jena's kids)
Barely caught it with the camera!
Audrey is 4 weeks old today!!! Time sure does fly! We had a doctor appointment today and she already weighs 9lbs 10oz. She is outgrowing a lot of her newborn makes me so sad!! She gets great big smiles all the time now and likes to coo back at you when you talk to sweet!!
So now I have a question for all of you moms: What can I do about her gas? She gets such horrible gas sometimes and I feel awful for her! She will burp and fart constantly and just cry and cry. At first I thought it had something to do with the way she was latched on so I started using a nipple shield again and the gas went away. Then, days later it returned. The fact that she isn't gassy everyday makes me think it is something I am eating, but what? I asked the doctor today and she just kept telling me it was normal...I don't think it's normal for my baby to scream all day! Any suggestions are very, very welcome!!
ah, gas is never fun! and you know how successful i am with fussy babies, so i won't try and give any advice...i will just pray that it passes soon.
ReplyDeletemaybe you should write down everything you are eating and drinking and then maybe you will see a pattern.