Saturday, September 12, 2009

It's been so long!

Life has been soooo busy lately! In addition to my new facebook addiction, we have been super busy with closing on the house and I'm also back to work full-time now that school has started. We moved into our house on Labor Day Weekend...LOVE IT!!! Pictures to come soon! The first week of school was chaos as class started combined with the two-year-old room and then switched rooms completely on a moment's was nuts! I am looking forward to being in my own room with my own kids next week!
Audrey had her 4-month check-up Wednesday and she was almost 16 pounds...such a chunk!! She had green beans tonight...not quite sure about She is now rolling both ways and sits up pretty well in her boppy. The doctor is amazed at how strong she is! Tonight she got up on her knees! I know sometimes she does things like that on accident, but it still amazes me that she is that strong!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see an update! (even though I knew all of this already, LOL) Looking forward to pictures so Gma can see the house!
    Love ya!
