On October 10 we are participating in the Walk to Defeat ALS. Also known as Lou Gerhig's disease, ALS is a degenerative neuromuscular disease that slowly robs the body of it's ability to speak, walk, swallow and breathe. In December 2007 my Uncle Phil was diagnosed with ALS. After experiencing first-hand how this disease affects a family, we decided to support the ALS foundation by participating in the walk. Please consider donating to help find a cure and fund support groups and supply closets.
Interested in sponsoring us? Here is the website address: http://web.alsa.org/goto/miracleawareness
Thank you so much!!
Amanda, Scott and Audrey
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
It's been so long!
Life has been soooo busy lately! In addition to my new facebook addiction, we have been super busy with closing on the house and I'm also back to work full-time now that school has started. We moved into our house on Labor Day Weekend...LOVE IT!!! Pictures to come soon! The first week of school was chaos as always...my class started combined with the two-year-old room and then switched rooms completely on a moment's notice...it was nuts! I am looking forward to being in my own room with my own kids next week!
Audrey had her 4-month check-up Wednesday and she was almost 16 pounds...such a chunk!! She had green beans tonight...not quite sure about them....lol. She is now rolling both ways and sits up pretty well in her boppy. The doctor is amazed at how strong she is! Tonight she got up on her knees! I know sometimes she does things like that on accident, but it still amazes me that she is that strong!
Audrey had her 4-month check-up Wednesday and she was almost 16 pounds...such a chunk!! She had green beans tonight...not quite sure about them....lol. She is now rolling both ways and sits up pretty well in her boppy. The doctor is amazed at how strong she is! Tonight she got up on her knees! I know sometimes she does things like that on accident, but it still amazes me that she is that strong!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
3 months
Audrey will be 3 months old on Tuesday... Last week I was sorting through clothes she has outgrown and realized how tiny she was. My baby used to fit in newborn sleepers?? How is that possible? We went to the doctor last week and she was already up to 14 pounds! Lately she has been grabbing at everything in sight. She also switched a toy from one hand to the other this week. Right now she is in her jumperoo just bouncing away. I just can't believe my little girl is growing so fast...I'm afraid to close my eyes!! (I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry.)
What else is new... Today we put an offer on the house we want. I am super excited!! We should hear back from the seller's by Monday evening. It is a 3 bedroom ranch with a huge garage. The house also has a den/office and a fireplace in the living room. We absolutely fell in love!
What else is new... Today we put an offer on the house we want. I am super excited!! We should hear back from the seller's by Monday evening. It is a 3 bedroom ranch with a huge garage. The house also has a den/office and a fireplace in the living room. We absolutely fell in love!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Fun at the park
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Audrey's first tractor ride
Friday, July 10, 2009
4th of July and Audrey updates
We had a wonderful 4th of July this year! It was Audrey's first holiday...yay! She spent the day being passed from person to person at a family picnic with my mom's side of the family. The guys had a blast playing flag football while us women sat around and chit-chatted. While we went for a ride on the boat Audrey stayed on dry land and napped with her Grandma and Grandpa. It was a fantastic, relaxing day! Audrey was so tired out that she slept through the night and then all the next day and night...We sure tired her out!
Audrey will be 2 months old tomorrow...it's amazing how fast she is growing! Everyday it seems like she is doing something new. She recently discovered her hands and feet and also pushes up on her forearms during tummy time. On Monday we went to the doctor and Audrey weighs in at 12lbs 6oz, 23 1/4 inches! She's in the 90th percentile for weight and 87th for height.
So Scott and I decided that we are missing one thing that Audrey needs...a house!! I was perfectly content with apartment life before but since Audrey was born I've had house fever BAD! Last night we met with a realtor and pretty soon we are going to check out some houses. I can't believe how much Scott and I have grown in the past 3 years...engagement, marriage, our first child...and now a house! We are growing and maturing together and I think that is what makes our marriage so easy and special. We recently celebrated our first anniversary...a year went by already...that was fast! Life is good :)
Make a Smilebox slideshow |
Audrey will be 2 months old tomorrow...it's amazing how fast she is growing! Everyday it seems like she is doing something new. She recently discovered her hands and feet and also pushes up on her forearms during tummy time. On Monday we went to the doctor and Audrey weighs in at 12lbs 6oz, 23 1/4 inches! She's in the 90th percentile for weight and 87th for height.
So Scott and I decided that we are missing one thing that Audrey needs...a house!! I was perfectly content with apartment life before but since Audrey was born I've had house fever BAD! Last night we met with a realtor and pretty soon we are going to check out some houses. I can't believe how much Scott and I have grown in the past 3 years...engagement, marriage, our first child...and now a house! We are growing and maturing together and I think that is what makes our marriage so easy and special. We recently celebrated our first anniversary...a year went by already...that was fast! Life is good :)
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Roll over!
She wasn't all that happy about the tummy time, but I finally caught Audrey rolling over on camera!!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Today I received an email from my dad and step-mom titled "Jack." It read "Meet Jack, Audrey's new pony." There were two pictures attached. I called them and said "what did you do??" To get to the point, Grandma ad Grandpa bought Audrey a pony!! He's a 7 year old paint. We haven't met him yet, but we have been reassured that he is a big sweetie. Audrey won't be riding him for a few years, but we are thrilled!! Every little girl wants a pony, right?
Monday, June 8, 2009
4 Weeks
Maya, Emery, Audrey, Dylan
(My best friend Jena's kids)
Barely caught it with the camera!
Audrey is 4 weeks old today!!! Time sure does fly! We had a doctor appointment today and she already weighs 9lbs 10oz. She is outgrowing a lot of her newborn stuff...it makes me so sad!! She gets great big smiles all the time now and likes to coo back at you when you talk to her...so sweet!!
So now I have a question for all of you moms: What can I do about her gas? She gets such horrible gas sometimes and I feel awful for her! She will burp and fart constantly and just cry and cry. At first I thought it had something to do with the way she was latched on so I started using a nipple shield again and the gas went away. Then, days later it returned. The fact that she isn't gassy everyday makes me think it is something I am eating, but what? I asked the doctor today and she just kept telling me it was normal...I don't think it's normal for my baby to scream all day! Any suggestions are very, very welcome!!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
I make under-eye circles look good!
Audrey seems to finally have figured out the difference between days and nights....Whew!! For the first few weeks she slept really well at night, only waking up a few times to eat and then going back to sleep. Now that she is awake more often I didn't get a whole lot of sleep at the beginning of the week. Yesterday she napped on what I refer to as the "daycare schedule" and went to bed at 8pm. She only woke to eat at 1:30 and then got up for the day at 5:30. She is napping on the daycare schedule again today. Such a good little baby! She even puts herself to sleep! ("Daycare schedule" is a nap around 8 and a nap around 12, FYI)
This morning she rolled over several times...I grabbed the camera to catch it, but instead recorded her spitting up all over and mushing her face into it...lovely. Maybe I will have better luck after nap...maybe.
So today I spent all morning getting myself and Audrey fed and ready to go to the mall to meet up with my cousin. Going anywhere becomes a big production because she nurses every 2 hours and it takes her up to 45 minutes depending on how sleepy she gets. Anyways, we finally got to the mall around 11:30 and I discovered that Audrey's stroller was in the garage. I drove all the way home to get it and remembered that Scott has the garage door opener and key at work with him. So now I'm stuck home today...while I should be cleaning I have been playing on facebook and now I'm blogging...lol.
This morning she rolled over several times...I grabbed the camera to catch it, but instead recorded her spitting up all over and mushing her face into it...lovely. Maybe I will have better luck after nap...maybe.
So today I spent all morning getting myself and Audrey fed and ready to go to the mall to meet up with my cousin. Going anywhere becomes a big production because she nurses every 2 hours and it takes her up to 45 minutes depending on how sleepy she gets. Anyways, we finally got to the mall around 11:30 and I discovered that Audrey's stroller was in the garage. I drove all the way home to get it and remembered that Scott has the garage door opener and key at work with him. So now I'm stuck home today...while I should be cleaning I have been playing on facebook and now I'm blogging...lol.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
What have we been up to?
It seems like lately all I can remember is when the baby last ate and on which side and when she had a diaper change...lol. Parenthood...gotta love it! Thank you to everyone for your phone calls and emails...I apologize if I don't get back to you right away!
So what have we been up to? We have been busy, busy, busy with visitors!! We have also been trying to get out of the house to enjoy the beautiful weather. Audrey is such a good baby (knock on wood now...lol). She wakes up once or twice during the night for feedings and will even go back to sleep after the 530ish feeding so we get to sleep in! I love this kid! It amazes me how much of her personality we get to see even though she is so young. She is so silly! So far she likes to ride in the car and go shopping...Yeah! She would rather be on the floor than in her swing or bouncy, which is more than fine with me. I'm going to try to catch her rolling over with the video camera today...cross your fingers!
All in all, Scott and I LOVE being parents! I cannot imagine my life with Audrey! Tomorrow we are going to John Ball Zoo with my parents and cousin...pictures to follow, I'm sure!
Love you all!
So what have we been up to? We have been busy, busy, busy with visitors!! We have also been trying to get out of the house to enjoy the beautiful weather. Audrey is such a good baby (knock on wood now...lol). She wakes up once or twice during the night for feedings and will even go back to sleep after the 530ish feeding so we get to sleep in! I love this kid! It amazes me how much of her personality we get to see even though she is so young. She is so silly! So far she likes to ride in the car and go shopping...Yeah! She would rather be on the floor than in her swing or bouncy, which is more than fine with me. I'm going to try to catch her rolling over with the video camera today...cross your fingers!
All in all, Scott and I LOVE being parents! I cannot imagine my life with Audrey! Tomorrow we are going to John Ball Zoo with my parents and cousin...pictures to follow, I'm sure!
Love you all!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
May 16 - Tummy Time!

I cannot believe how well Audrey holds her head up! She is so strong! While we were having tummy time the other day she actually rolled from her belly to her back twice! She did it again tonight during tummy time! I know she is doing it on accident because she is such a wiggle worm but I still think my daughter is a genius!
Pictures from May 12th and 13th
Monday, May 18, 2009
Audrey Grace Akkerman
I know everyone has been waiting and waiting...Sorry!!! Life has been so hectic!!
For those who don't know:
Audrey Grace Akkerman
May 11th 11:04 p.m.
7lbs 14 oz
After going through 36 hours of the doctors trying to induce labor, my water finally broke. I labored for 10 hours before they elected to do a cesarean. The doctor decided to do this because Audrey's heart rate started to drop with contractions. She is absolutely healthy and the most beautiful baby I have ever seen! I am recovering very well...I thought recovering from a c-section would be awful, but I have felt great!
Other big news: Scott had an interview with Spartan warehouses today and got the job! They will call him sometime this weekend to schedule orientation and then he is supposed to start on May 31th or June 7th.
We feel so blessed! First we have a beautiful, healthy baby girl and now Scott found a really good job during such tough times. Life is good!!
Here are the pictures from the night Audrey was born. I will try to post more pictures tomorrow (I only have about 300...lol) but right now my baby girl needs to be tucked into bed and I have to get some sleep!!

For those who don't know:
Audrey Grace Akkerman
May 11th 11:04 p.m.
7lbs 14 oz
After going through 36 hours of the doctors trying to induce labor, my water finally broke. I labored for 10 hours before they elected to do a cesarean. The doctor decided to do this because Audrey's heart rate started to drop with contractions. She is absolutely healthy and the most beautiful baby I have ever seen! I am recovering very well...I thought recovering from a c-section would be awful, but I have felt great!
Other big news: Scott had an interview with Spartan warehouses today and got the job! They will call him sometime this weekend to schedule orientation and then he is supposed to start on May 31th or June 7th.
We feel so blessed! First we have a beautiful, healthy baby girl and now Scott found a really good job during such tough times. Life is good!!
Here are the pictures from the night Audrey was born. I will try to post more pictures tomorrow (I only have about 300...lol) but right now my baby girl needs to be tucked into bed and I have to get some sleep!!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Drumroll please!
I am scheduled at the hospital on Saturday for cervical ripening and then to be induced on Sunday! This is it...baby's due tomorrow, inducing is scheduled, bags are packed..WOW!!! My next post will probably be pics of my baby girl! This is so exciting! We love you all and can't wait to be able to share the news soon!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
I forgot to share that we found out Metro has free wi-fi in the hospital rooms. This means we can bring our laptop and I can blog pics of Audrey right away! LoL...I am so addicted!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
We're almost there (39 weeks!)
Most of you know that I have had issues with my blood pressure throughout my pregnancy. Most of you also know that my doctor wants to induce me at 40 weeks due to this high blood pressure. Today I went to the doctor and I am only dilated to one. The doc is concerned that the induction may take too long and result in a c-section if I am not dilated any farther. While we were super excited at the thought of having Audrey by Friday (the 8th), I am not okay with possibly having a c-section if it can be avoided. So I chose not to be induced next week and wait to see the doctor next Thursday to see if I am dilated any farther. Based on that appointment, the doc wants to schedule the induction for the following Monday (the 11th) whether I am dilated more or not. It is a little disappointing knowing that we will not meet our little angel next Friday, but I really feel like I made the right decision. If I'm not dilating, then she's not ready. And I know c-sections are common, but it is still surgery and I am going to avoid it at all costs!
I think it is kind of funny planning on being induced and all of this worrying because I could really go in labor at any time. I think I just have it in my head that I won't go by my due date because this is my first pregnancy. Honestly, I don't feel awful. I'm not exactly comfortable but I can't complain. Next Wednesday is my last day before maternity leave. I'm sure I will cry my eyes out when I leave...I'll miss my kids so much! I am going to be bored at home with just one kid to look after...lol!
I think it is kind of funny planning on being induced and all of this worrying because I could really go in labor at any time. I think I just have it in my head that I won't go by my due date because this is my first pregnancy. Honestly, I don't feel awful. I'm not exactly comfortable but I can't complain. Next Wednesday is my last day before maternity leave. I'm sure I will cry my eyes out when I leave...I'll miss my kids so much! I am going to be bored at home with just one kid to look after...lol!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
A good laugh...
I received the following link in an email from my dad and stepmom.
Proper Baby Care: http://tinyurl.com/dc5fny
Thanks for the vote of confidence, Dad...lol!
Proper Baby Care: http://tinyurl.com/dc5fny
Thanks for the vote of confidence, Dad...lol!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Diaper cake
Scott's mom made this super cute diaper cake as a gift for the shower she threw me. I thought it was so adorable and I had to share!
We have less than 4 weeks until Audrey is due...unbelievable!! I am getting so antsy! We have everything we need and her room is all ready. We even put a sheet on her crib...lol. Scott has made the diaper bag his job and has been obsessively packing and repacking it almost daily...lol. He is going to be such a great dad!
Any day now!! Love you all!!
Monday, March 30, 2009
I should be thrilled...
So Scott got a call from Roscam Baking this morning. They wanted him to start tonight on second shift. After all this time I should be thrilled that Scott is back to work...but I am so not!!! Second shift?!? Again?!? So now I am home from work...twiddling my thumbs...contemplating cleaning, baking, washing Audrey's clothes, something, anything to keep me busy...I hate this.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Ultrasound #4

Audrey made her fourth appearance on camera today! :) We went in for our weekly non-stress test and of course our little princess didn't want to cooperate. The doctor ordered an ultrasound and I am happy to say that everything is fine! My blood pressure was 122/78 today..woohoo! We got to have a 3D ultrasound this time and it was amazing! I learned several things about our girl:
1. She's still a girl! (Whew!)
1. She's still a girl! (Whew!)
2. The cause of all the heartburn: She has a lot of hair!! (You could actually see it on the 2D ultrasound)
3. Audrey has chunker cheeks like her mama!
She kept putting her hands in front of her face...like this child is bashful...lol. I am so in love with this baby!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
What if it's a boy??
For the last several weeks I have been worrying that Audrey is a boy. What if the ultrasound tech was wrong? Did anyone else have this fear? Today I told my doc that it is Scott's birthday and we would like a 3D ultrasound for his gift. She laughed and said Scott's birthday isn't a good enough reason for our insurance company. Well, you can't blame me for trying...lol.
Oh yeah, I've put a lot of thought into Audrey's name and we decided on Audrey Alicia Theresa Jo Akkerman. LoL...just kidding.
Oh yeah, I've put a lot of thought into Audrey's name and we decided on Audrey Alicia Theresa Jo Akkerman. LoL...just kidding.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
More middle names
Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?
This is so hard!
Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?
This is so hard!
Another busy weekend
Scott and I took our niece, Michael, for an overnighter on Friday night. We went to the park when I got home from work on Friday and then out to dinner. When we were ordering our food the waitress asked me what kind of gravy I wanted. Michael, with her 5 year old wisdom, piped up "Just whatever her baby wants!" It was too funny!
Michael is so interested in baby Audrey and very excited about her arrival. She told me all about how the baby has a cord that feeds it...then asked me how the baby comes out. Needless to say, I told her to ask her mom...lol. She was so cute talking to my belly and telling Audrey she loves her. She patiently waited with her hand on my belly and felt the baby kick several times.
On Saturday morning we went to the GR Museum to see the dinosaur exhibit. There were several hands-on activities and Michael had a blast! I wish we could have taken more pictures, but we forget to check the camera batteries before we left...oops.

Michael is so interested in baby Audrey and very excited about her arrival. She told me all about how the baby has a cord that feeds it...then asked me how the baby comes out. Needless to say, I told her to ask her mom...lol. She was so cute talking to my belly and telling Audrey she loves her. She patiently waited with her hand on my belly and felt the baby kick several times.
On Saturday morning we went to the GR Museum to see the dinosaur exhibit. There were several hands-on activities and Michael had a blast! I wish we could have taken more pictures, but we forget to check the camera batteries before we left...oops.
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