Thursday, May 21, 2009

What have we been up to?

It seems like lately all I can remember is when the baby last ate and on which side and when she had a diaper Parenthood...gotta love it! Thank you to everyone for your phone calls and emails...I apologize if I don't get back to you right away!

So what have we been up to? We have been busy, busy, busy with visitors!! We have also been trying to get out of the house to enjoy the beautiful weather. Audrey is such a good baby (knock on wood She wakes up once or twice during the night for feedings and will even go back to sleep after the 530ish feeding so we get to sleep in! I love this kid! It amazes me how much of her personality we get to see even though she is so young. She is so silly! So far she likes to ride in the car and go shopping...Yeah! She would rather be on the floor than in her swing or bouncy, which is more than fine with me. I'm going to try to catch her rolling over with the video camera today...cross your fingers!

All in all, Scott and I LOVE being parents! I cannot imagine my life with Audrey! Tomorrow we are going to John Ball Zoo with my parents and to follow, I'm sure!

Love you all!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Hospital Picture

She always looks so

May 16 - Tummy Time!

I cannot believe how well Audrey holds her head up! She is so strong! While we were having tummy time the other day she actually rolled from her belly to her back twice! She did it again tonight during tummy time! I know she is doing it on accident because she is such a wiggle worm but I still think my daughter is a genius!

More Audrey Pictures - May 15th

May 14th - First bath with Mommy and Daddy

May 14th - Going home!!

Ready to go!!!
Audrey's first nap in her crib
Such a strong little girl!

Pictures from May 12th and 13th

May 12th
The morning after my c-section. Just a tad
Proud daddy

Grandma and Grandpa Thompson

Grandpa Childs
May 13th

Grandpa and Grandma Childs

Monday, May 18, 2009

Audrey Grace Akkerman

I know everyone has been waiting and waiting...Sorry!!! Life has been so hectic!!

For those who don't know:
Audrey Grace Akkerman
May 11th 11:04 p.m.
7lbs 14 oz

After going through 36 hours of the doctors trying to induce labor, my water finally broke. I labored for 10 hours before they elected to do a cesarean. The doctor decided to do this because Audrey's heart rate started to drop with contractions. She is absolutely healthy and the most beautiful baby I have ever seen! I am recovering very well...I thought recovering from a c-section would be awful, but I have felt great!

Other big news: Scott had an interview with Spartan warehouses today and got the job! They will call him sometime this weekend to schedule orientation and then he is supposed to start on May 31th or June 7th.

We feel so blessed! First we have a beautiful, healthy baby girl and now Scott found a really good job during such tough times. Life is good!!

Here are the pictures from the night Audrey was born. I will try to post more pictures tomorrow (I only have about but right now my baby girl needs to be tucked into bed and I have to get some sleep!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Drumroll please!

I am scheduled at the hospital on Saturday for cervical ripening and then to be induced on Sunday! This is's due tomorrow, inducing is scheduled, bags are packed..WOW!!! My next post will probably be pics of my baby girl! This is so exciting! We love you all and can't wait to be able to share the news soon!

Monday, May 4, 2009

What big cheeks you have...

Ultrasound #5
39 weeks and 3 days

Seems like our Audrey really likes her picture She didn't cooperate for the NST today so we got to see her on ultrasound one last time. Just a few more days and we will see those great big cheeks in person!

Sunday, May 3, 2009


I forgot to share that we found out Metro has free wi-fi in the hospital rooms. This means we can bring our laptop and I can blog pics of Audrey right away! LoL...I am so addicted!